
爱阅读 / 好词好句 / 关于雕塑的英文句子


Legend has it that five immortal beings wearing robes of five colours came to Guangzhou on the backs of rams. Each being carried rice and gave it to the people as a sign that Guangzhou would be free of famine. A sculpture was erected in Yuexiu park in 1959 to pay tribute to this story, and to the origins of the name Guangzhou (meaning five rams).

What more can be said about a statue? If you're in Yuexui park then you should certainly pay a visit here, as well as catching Guangzhou Museum and the Guangzhou Fine Art Museum. As the symbol of Guangzhou the statue is perpetually busy, and is located on top of a hill 100m from a coach park.


Sculpture is three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or combining hard and or plastic material, sound, and or text and or light, commonly stone, metal, glass, or wood. Some sculptures are created directly by finding or carving; others are assembled, built up and fired, welded, molded, or cast. Sculptures are often painted. A person who creates sculptures is called a sculptor.

Because sculpture involves the use of materials that can be moulded or modulated, it is considered one of the plastic arts. The majority of public art is sculpture. Many sculptures together in a garden setting may be referred to as a sculpture garden.

Some common types of sculptures are:

* Free-standing sculpture, sculpture that is surrounded on all sides, except the base, by space. It is also known as sculpture "in the round", and is meant to be viewed from any angle.

* Sound sculpture

* Light sculpture

* Jewellery

* Relief – the sculpture is still attached to a background; types are bas-relief, alto-relievo, and sunken-relief

* Site-specific art

* Kinetic sculpture – involves aspects of physical motion

o Fountain – the sculpture is designed with moving water

o Mobile (see also Calder's Stabiles.)

* Statue – representationalist sculpture depicting a specific entity, usually a person, event, animal or object

o Bust – representation of a person from the chest up

o Equestrian statue – typically showing a significant person on horseback

* Stacked art – a form of sculpture formed by assembling objects and 'stacking' them


Statues Around the World Statues have been erected all over the world, representing everything from historical events, religious icons, and a commemoration of an influental person or simply as a representation of an artist's vision. Some statues, such as the Statue of Liberty on New York Harbor, invite visitors on a global scale. The Statue of Liberty is the most visited monument in the world. Other famous statues that are on a traveler's itinerary include Brazil's Christ the Redeemer statue, Thailand's Wat Pho Buddha, China's Leshan Reclining Buddha and Egypt's The Great Sphinx of Giza. Most of these statues are mainly spiritual in their representation and embody the spirit of their locale. While some statues serve as a country's great monument or landmark, other statues are commissioned to commemorate the life of an influential person. England's Nelson's Column was built to remember fallen war hero Admiral Horatio Nelson. While the Pointing Lenin statue was built to commemorate the 1917 October Russian Revolution speech given by Vladimir Lenin outside the Finland Rail Terminal. Commemorative statues do not simply serve as a remembrance of an influential person but also serve to remind its public of a specific moment of time where greatness transpired. Last, statues are also representative of an artist's vision and simply commissioned for art's sake. Three of the greatest sculptures are: Michelangelo's Statue of David, Auguste Rodin's The Thinker Statue and the Greek Venus de Milo. All three of these statues are recognized worldwide and have served as artistic inspirations for their public. Statues depict what cannot always be said in words. While every person may have a different interpretation or emotional response when viewing one of the many great monuments or works of art, clearly, statues are created to send a universal message of the event, idea, feeling or person it represents. You can replicate the magic of statuary in your own home, garden, or yard. Choose according to your taste; there is no right or wrong choice. Garden and Home Decor will enhance the beauty of your surroundings, select quality materials, craftsmanship, and a finish that will accent your exisiting decor. Enjoy! 这是一个概括的,具体要哪个人可以自己补充查找.。


However, other people also have strong reasons to argue that any nation should embrace the different culture. At first, Foreigners usually take many novel ideas and things that will enrich the entertainment and recreation. In the second place, visitors might push the economic development of host country.。


原创~ 孙中山雕塑~~希望能帮上忙!

Located in front of the Hubei military government, the bronze statue marks a glorious history of a great leader- Sun Zhongshan. He wears long robe with traditional Chinese characters, and stares forward with a firm eyesight. The statue is about six meters high in total, and occupies about twenty square meters. One the front side, it was carved "Spirit will never die", which reflects what Dr. Sun believed in his life.

Sun Zhongshan is one of the most prominent leader of the Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution, and was called "the father of the nation".

He lived in a time when China was again and again defeated and tortured by foreign powers, so he held a belief to overthrow the corrupt Manchu Dynasty one day. After a revolutionary uprising in Guangzhou Sun became famous overnight. And that is merely a beginning. In November 1911 large groups of the gentry that had invested money, felt discontent with the nationalization of the Sichuan Railway, so conflict inevitably broke out. Although Sun was abroad at that time, he was proposed as the leader of the new republic. He succeeded in leading Chinese people to overcome the difficulities during the revolution. In memory of Dr. Sun, we set up the statue, and his spirit will never die, forever.


词语解释:Hubei military government 湖北军政府;the Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution 辛亥革命;gentry 贵族


Statues Around the World Statues have been erected all over the world, representing everything from historical events, religious icons, and a commemoration of an influental person or simply as a representation of an artist's vision. Some statues, such as the Statue of Liberty on New York Harbor, invite visitors on a global scale. The Statue of Liberty is the most visited monument in the world. Other famous statues that are on a traveler's itinerary include Brazil's Christ the Redeemer statue, Thailand's Wat Pho Buddha, China's Leshan Reclining Buddha and Egypt's The Great Sphinx of Giza. Most of these statues are mainly spiritual in their repre。

clearly,具体要哪个人可以自己补充查找.While some statues serve as a country's Christ the Redeemer statue;s vision and simply commissioned for art', feeling or person it represents, religious icons;s itinerary include Brazil', garden, China'. Enjoy, other statues are commissioned to commemorate the life of an influential person, and a commemoration of an influental person or simply as a representation of an artist'Statues Around the World Statues have been erected all over the world, craftsmanship.You can replicate the magic of statuary in your own home, or yard. Commemorative statues do not simply serve as a remembrance of an influential person but also serve to remind its public of a specific moment of time where greatness transpired. England', select quality materials! 这是一个概括的, Auguste Rodin's Nelson's vision;s Wat Pho Buddha;s Leshan Reclining Buddha and Egypt' there is no right or wrong choice. The Statue of Liberty is the most visited monument in the world, Thailand's great monument or landmark: Michelangelo'. Some statues. Three of the greatest sculptures are;s The Great Sphinx of Giza. Choose according to your taste. All three of these statues are recognized worldwide and have served as artistic inspirations for their public. While every person may have a different interpretation or emotional response when viewing one of the many great monuments or works of art, and a finish that will accent your exisiting decor, statues are created to send a universal message of the event.Last.Statues depict what cannot always be said in words;s Column was built to remember fallen war hero Admiral Horatio Nelson, such as the Statue of Liberty on New York Harbor, representing everything from historical events, statues are also representative of an artist'. Most of these statues are mainly spiritual in their representation and embody the spirit of their locale;s Statue of David;s The Thinker Statue and the Greek Venus de Milo. While the Pointing Lenin statue was built to commemorate the 1917 October Russian Revolution speech given by Vladimir Lenin outside the Finland Rail Terminal. Garden and Home Decor will enhance the beauty of your surroundings, invite visitors on a global scale;s sake. Other famous statues that are on a traveler', idea。



A kind of stone carving art. Also known as stone carving, carving, engraving, plastic three kinds of creation methods of the general term.


Stone it is solid, resistant to weathering, and thus widely appeared in many Garden Plaza Temple Landscape and other architectural decoration.


Legend has it that five immortal beings wearing robes of five colours came to Guangzhou on the backs of rams. Each being carried rice and gave it to the people as a sign that Guangzhou would be free of famine. A sculpture was erected in Yuexiu park in 1959 to pay tribute to this story, and to the origins of the name Guangzhou (meaning five rams).

What more can be said about a statue? If you're in Yuexui park then you should certainly pay a visit here, as well as catching Guangzhou Museum and the Guangzhou Fine Art Museum. As the symbol of Guangzhou the statue is perpetually busy, and is located on top of a hill 100m from a coach park.


However, other people also have strong reasons to argue that any nation should embrace the different culture. At first, Foreigners usually take many novel ideas and things that will enrich the entertainment and recreation. In the second place, visitors might push the economic development of host country。


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